software tag

Fixing "connect() to unix:/var/run/php/phpx.x-fpm.sock failed" error

Disclaimer: this is only a note for myself so I don't have to look for the answer anywhere else. Once again I find myself configuring nginx to serve a small php app in an ubuntu instance. Following one of the thousands of articles about that I uses this...

Make M-Audio Keystation 49es control buttons work on Studio One 5

I was struggling configuring my M-Audio Keystation 49es, mainly because the control keys were not working. I made it work long time ago but forgot how to do it again. I found on the internet a way to make it work. I' posting this in case I need to do it...

How to use local php package when is already published

This is a very small post to remember how to use a local package when it has been already publish to Basically you need to tell composer from where to pull the code, the next snippet shows how to do it: Reference:...

Creating a Laravel Package - Dev Setup

I found myself in the need to create a Laravel package. Even when I'm familiar with the stack I never had to do this. Well there is always a first time for everything, right? My first step was to research how to do such a thing, fortunately Laravel has...